Words of Worship Song Lyric Projection Software for Churches, Schools and Christian Events

Words of Worship

Guide to Video Projection

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Most conferences and an increasing number of churches use video projection to display songs, Bible verses and even presentations.

Paper vs. OHPs

Many organisations have found that OHPs give their congregation greater freedom in worship – helping them focus on the songs rather than searching through songbooks. Compared to songbooks, OHPs offer

  • greater flexibility
  • often a lower cost
  • and you can’t run out of books on busy days!

Better than OHP

Despite the benefits over books, conferences, businesses and many churches have moved on from OHP. Instead of a traditional projector and overhead transparencies, you can use a video projector connected to a computer for all the benefits of OHP and many more:

  • Clean, crisp, easy to read images
  • Consistent type styles for optimal legibility
  • Show identical images on all screens with only one operator
  • Show video clips, animated presentations and more
  • No OHPs to misplace, misfile or damage
  • Enjoy even more benefits with Words of Worship

Choosing a video projector

Video projectors, like OHPs, use light to project an large image onto a surface. The best quality image will be obtained when using a specially designed projector screen, although it is possible to use a large white wall.

Several choices exist when choosing a projector: how bright the projected image will be, how detailed the image will be (resolution) and the portability of the projector.

Brightness: Some projectors are brighter than others. If you wish to use the projector in a room with more ambient light, choose a brighter projector.

Resolution: The resolution of the projector defines how much detail you will see. Higher resolution projectors produce more crisp images and are especially useful if you intend to project a large image. When selecting a video projector, you should consider both the size of and lighting conditions in your venue which influence the required brightness and resolution of the projected image

Portability: If you want to use the same equipment in a variety of locations, a portable projector will be lighter, smaller and easier to carry. Larger projectors, which will be heavier, can still be moved and may be less expensive.

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